That would be State Rep. Bettie Cook Scott, a Democrat from Detroit, a woman who I think owes the taxpayers at least $29,868.75.

Why?  Because she totally deserted her job the last five months she had it, never going to Lansing, casting a vote, or doing anything to help her poor constituents.  If most of us utterly deserted our jobs without any valid reason, we’d soon stop getting paid.

Not, however, when you are an elected official.  Scott, who was term-limited out of office after this year, ran a disgraceful campaign for a Democratic nomination for the state senate, telling voters “don’t vote for the ching-chong,” an apparent racial slur against rival candidate State Rep. Stephanie Chang.

The voters weren’t impressed;  Chang got almost five times as many votes as Scott, who finished a very bad third. After that, she abandoned her job, but still kept collecting her paycheck.

Actually, she wasn’t too keen on coming to work even before; she failed to vote on 57 percent of all the bills considered this year.

Her colleagues, however, seemed at least as bizarre; the representatives adopted a resolution praising Scott  for “working tirelessly on behalf of the citizens.”


Scott’s utter dereliction of duty has been written about before, but deserves to be remembered in case she tries to run for something else again. And given her brazen contempt for the citizens…

She probably will.