The truth about Bernie Sanders


I know something about Communism and the Soviet Union; I originally intended to become an academic expert on the subject; have hundreds of books on it, and traveled and reported from every European Communist country except Albania.

The Soviet Union has been gone for nearly 30 years, and to accuse Bernie Sanders of being a “crypto-Communist,” as one person I know put it, has about as much relevance to anything as accusing him of secretly wanting to restore the Stuart monarchy in Scotland. More importantly — I know about Communism; Bernie Sanders is no more a Communist, or even a state socialist, than Rush Limbaugh is an Olympic sprinter.

There may be plenty of reasons to criticize Sanders, or his policies, but this is not one of them, and anyone who goes there reveals only that they are an ignorant know-nothing, or someone with dishonest motives.

— Jack Lessenberry

PS: Follow me on Facebook for more of my observations, essays and podcasts.
